A Virtual 5K Run/Walk and 1-Mile Family Fun Run to Support Heber Springs Young Life

Young Life is an outreach ministry for teenagers in high school (9th - 12th grade) and middle school (6th-8th grade). Young Life doesn't start with a program. It starts with adults who are concerned enough about kids to go to them, on their turf and in their culture, building bridges of authentic friendship. These relationships don't happen overnight they take time, patience, trust, and consistency. We want to come along side teenagers in their lives and be there for them in the good times and bad times. Young Life seeks be a leader in the community by offering a place where teens fell welcomed and accepted, we also have outreach events like Club (the party with a purpose), Campaingers (weekly bible study), and Camp (THE BEST WEEK EVER) where we seek to build relationships with teenagers and introduce them to a relationship with Jesus.
What is a Virtual Run or Walk?
A Virtual Race is a 5K that can be completed in your own country, your own neighborhood, at a local park, or even on the treadmill. You can run, walk, ride or roll! Sign up, gather some friends, decide on a route, and get out and move! The best part is, you'll know that each step you take is helping Heber Springs Young Life!
Participants can run their virtual race any time between MAY 24, 2021 at 12AM and MAY 28, 2021 at 11:59PM.
For full instructions on running or walking your virtual race with the ITS YOUR RACE mobile app, click the button below:

Use the ITS YOUR RACE Mobile App
The ITS YOUR RACE mobile app syncs with all virtual races hosted on ITS YOUR RACE, including our event! After you are registered, click the link below to find out more information about the mobile app and how to use it for tracking your 5K or 1-mile race. You can also upload photos from your own personal race course, or share a selfie at the end!
We're asking all participants to go a step further and continue your support! Consider making an additional donation to Heber Springs Young Life when you register for the virtual 5K. Even if you aren't interested in the race, you can simply make a donation:
Register for a Great Cause and Get the Shirt
Register for the 5K today! Your race registration will go to help Heber Springs Young Life. You will also receive a custom "Be the Good" shirt with our organization’s logo. Shirts will be shipped directly to the address of the PARTICIPANT (not the billing address).